Group lunch (summer 2024)
Customized gifts for Jianwei, Xiaokun, and Han
A cake for group members who are embarking on their new journeys
DMREF team meeting (2023)
DMREF meeting: Yi lab tour (2023)
DMREF meeting: dinner (2023)
Lunch at the Sheldon Lake State Park (2023)
Board game at the park (2023)
A group photo at the Sheldon Lake Park (2023)
Group outing at the Sheldon Lake State Park (2023)
Cruising at Brookhaven NSLS-II (2023)
APS March Meeting group dinner (2023)
Dec experiments at Canadian Light Source (2022)
Group lunch welcoming Zheng (2022)
Yichen @ APS meeting 2022
Yucheng @ APS meeting 2022
At room escape, “Houston, we have a problem” (2021)
After room escaping (2021)
Ice cream event (2021)
Group outing at Brazos Bend State Park (2020)
On the trunk (2020)
Alligator caution. Do not be the closest one to the alligator. (2020)
Teamwork @ SSRL beamline 5-2 (2020)
Celebration to the installation of home-based ARPES system (2020)
Group members and Fermi team visiting NASA (2019)
Han transferring samples @ ALS beamline 10 (2019)
Han loading samples @ SSRL beamline 5-2 (2019)
Good old midnight bbq in between beamtimes (2019)
Han and Jianwei operating the SSRL beamline 5-2 (2019)
Jianwei teaching us about Planck’s constant (2019)
Trying some real Texan bbq (2019)